Teen Readers’ Advisory Group


Are you a teen or do you know a teen that would like a say in how the New Hartford Public Library serves the teens in our area?


The NHPL is creating a Teen Readers’ Advisory Board and we are looking for members willing to lend their voices and opinions!


Teens volunteering on our Teen Advisory Board will serve in the following capacities:

  • Offer title suggestions to increase our collection of YA materials
  • Collaborate with NHPL Staff to develop and implement YA programs
  • Offer input to NHPL Staff for the development and implementation of collaborative YA programs with Community and School District Partners

The benefits of serving on the Teen Advisory Board include:

  • Development of leadership, interpersonal, and collaborative skills needed for college, employment, and the rest of life!
  • Looks great on college applications!
  • Watching something that you’ve worked hard on come to life is very rewarding!

The benefits to the NHPL include:

  • Access to a level of expertise that we didn’t have before (because you’re young and we’re not!)
  • The development of a new generation of library users and lovers who will help the NHPL be the community resource we envision


Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining.  Thank you.