Community Reflection #5

Community Reflection #5

Contributor: Pamela Hayden


Who knew that real life could turn out like a science fiction novel? In all my years as an educator, I could never see life turning upside down the way it has over the last month or so. 

 Since I want to stay on the positive side of things, here is my personal observations of how things have stayed the same. Nature is returning to her full beauty. Everyday I walk to keep sane. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping the grass is a beautiful shade of green. 
 The quiet is nice, too. People are cautious but friendly and in a world of non-stop movement? We are being forced to stop and really listen! I can hardly say that time with my son is a waste. Next year he will be a senior in high school and my time with him will be short. I am grateful to slow down and talk to him. Enjoy meals and get in touch with those I love and care about.
 As I sit peacefully putting together another lesson for the students I teach and miss, I remember the fundamentals.
Babies will be born. People will meet and fall in love. There will be weddings and graduations. There will be good times in light of the losses around us. We will endure. Things will be much different when things are back to “normal.” We will be better for sitting together with our families and people we love. Time is something none of us are promised so make the best of this rare opportunity.
 Life goes on. Perhaps it is better to be in this together than tackling it alone. Help others. Make a donation. Practice peace in these difficult times. Remember. “This, too, shall pass…